A massive list of things experienced knitters do to achieve neater results
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► Knitting stitch library: https://nimble-needles.com/knitting-techniques-library/
► How I tension my yarn: https://youtu.be/TI-IO-OWJXs
This video tries to summarize everything I learned about the difference between a good and a great knitter. There are these tiny little tips and techniques you can employ to easily turn your projects into these wow moments. And it's not even difficult but not every knitter has this knowledge. So, it's my hope that this video will be able to get you thinking a bit!
0:00 Introduction
0:40 Understanding how stitches really work
14:24 Yarn & Fiber theory
26:24 Color theory
29:34 Blocking
30:59 Knitting & using swatches the right way
34:42 Not being scared of unraveling
37:51 Knowing how to adjust patterns
43:07 Having perfect tension
48:11 Finishing techniques
52:32 Knowing the difference between circulars and dpns
54:25 Last words
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► Link to my Patreon account: https://www.patreon.com/nimbleneedlez
► Buy my patterns here: https://bit.ly/3aBRdzs
►Visit my blog for a free knitting school: https://nimble-needles.com/learn-to-knit-for-beginners/
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