Despite the immense hype leading up to Splatoon 3: Side Order, one year after launch, there hasn’t been much discussion of the DLC’s story. Today, I hope to bring some attention to the underappreciated successes of the campaign, focusing on its lore and what it does for the world of Splatoon. Hope you enjoy!
——— Chapters ———
0:00 Intro
4:18 Who is Marina Ida?
11:31 Setting
16:51 Plot & Characters
26:49 Order
40:48 Epilogue
46:45 More Than a Memory
58:28 Conclusion
1:02:27 Outro
——— Sources ———
1.) “A Q&A with the Squid Research Lab” from Nintendo DREAM
Link to translation:
2.) The Art of Splatoon 2
This book has an official English version and is still available for purchase.
3.) “Splatune 3”
Link to translation:
4.) “‘Splatoon 3’ Side Order interview. We ask about Acht’s bandages, the price of Pearl’s new outfit, the residents of the Order Sector, and more!” from Famitsu
Link to translation:
Fanart at 3:07 by boxedsprouts:
——— Music Used ———
0:01 Order Appears (Side Order)
0:25 Prologue (Celeste)
2:22 First Steps (Celeste)
4:18 #12.2 awakened (Side Order)
5:19 #5 thirsty (Octo Expansion)
6:17 Inkoming! (Cloud Demo)
7:53 #12 awake (Octo Expansion)
9:07 The Plan (Octo Expansion)
10:03 The Crater (Splatoon 3)
10:49 Welcome to Splatsville (Splatoon 3)
11:31 #0 shell (Octo Expansion)
12:30 ANOTHER HIM (Deltarune)
14:22 Inside Deepsea Metro (Octo Expansion)
16:51 Origin of Order (Side Order)
20:15 Abandoned Station (Octo Expansion)
21:06 Upward (Side Order)
27:00 Origin of Order (Side Order)
27:57 New World Order (Side Order)
28:22 Σntrance Archon (Side Order)
30:13 #8 regret (Octo Expansion)
32:22 Resurrections (Celeste)
33:27 Reflection (Celeste)
35:10 Order Appears (Side Order)
35:29 The Tranquility of Order (Side Order)
35:57 Spectrum Obligato (Side Order)
36:27 #12.2 awakened (Side Order)
38:24 Order Appears (Announcement Trailer ver.)
39:08 Spectrum Obligato (Side Order)
40:15 Result [Defeat] (Side Order)
40:48 Smollusk’s Theme (Side Order)
41:42 Tableturf Loss or Draw Theme (Splatoon 3)
43:54 Θrder Sector Liber8 (Side Order)
45:01 Pop ‘n’ Schlock (Splatoon 3)
46:47 #19 bless (Octo Expansion)
47:48 Sandcastles (Splatoon 3)
49:01 Octo Valley (Splatoon)
50:35 Credits (Wii Fit)
52:00 Body Measurement (Wii Fit)
54:11 Yoga (Wii Fit)
55:26 Muscle Workout (Wii Fit)
57:05 Select Game (Wii Fit)
58:28 Prologue (Celeste)
58:53 Getting Squared Away (Splatoon 2)
1:00:29 Alterna Citizen Program M-??: mY dEAR (Splatoon 3)
1:01:55 Case Closed (Side Order)
The Cloud Discord:
#splatoon3 #sideorder #splatoon