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What to know when selling your house! Audra Lambert

Audra Lambert, Realtor 44,850 2 years ago
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What to know when selling your house! Audra Lambert What you need to know and prepare for when selling your house in 2023. This video helps prepare you for the new market place we are in with 7% mortgage rates. With the changing housing market come different strategies that will prepare you for success. Please don't hesitate in reaching out to me with any of your questions. Happy to assist. Want a Real Estate Agent Referral in your Area?: Want a copy of the following?: 1. Audra’s Favorite White Paint Colors 2. 13 Interview Questions to ask the Listing Agent 3. Question to Ask When Reviewing a Purchase Offer 4. Home Staging Checklist 5. Home Inspection Checklist. Download here: Agents, want to join our referral team?: Want to hire us? Other helpful videos: Preparing your house for sale: Basic Staging tips: Home Inspection Check list: https: Interviewing Agents: I have years of experience and am an active full-time realtor bringing you the most up to date information on what If you are considering moving or selling your property in Orange County, don’t hesitate in reaching out to me. For more information visit or give me a call at (949) 697-2232 💁‍♀️ My name is Audra Lambert. I am a South Orange County realtor who focuses in the San Juan Capistrano area. I have over 20 years experience! I love what I do and Love where I live! 🏠 JUAN CAPISTRANO HOMES FOR SALE: 💰 HOME VALUATION: 🔍 WATCH NEXT: What shows up in a home inspection report: What not to fix when selling a home: The City of San Juan Capistrano: This is not legal advice, nor can I give you legal advice Sorry! Everything here is for informational purposes only and not for the purpose of providing legal advice. You should contact your attorney to obtain advice with respect to any particular issue or problem. Nothing here should be construed to form and attorney client relationship. Audra Lambert with the Lambert Group does not render or offer to render personalized investment advice, tax advice, or real estate investment advice. The information provided is for informational purposes only. CONTACT INFO Audra Lambert, Lambert Group Homes 📞 949.697.2232 💌 [email protected] 🖥 http://www. 👉🏾 DRE#01909872 👋 LET’S CONNECT Like me on Facebook: Follow me on Instagram: lambertaudra 🧡 Subscribe to my youtube channel: #CARealEstate #CARealtor #CARealEstateAgent #Realtor #Homeownership #House #Homebuyers #Mortgage #San Juan Capistrano #SanJuanCapistranoRealtor #SJCrealtor #OrangeCounty #LivinginSanJuanCapistrano #MovingtoOC #audralambert #movingtosanjuancapistrano #toprealtorinSanJuan
