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Take a trip back in time and let's code the Snake Game in AppleSoft BASIC on a restored Apple II+ computer! GOTO and GOSUB! Line numbers! https://thecodingtrain.com/challenges/173-snake-applesoft-basic
🎥 Previous video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FfCBNL6lWK0&list=PLRqwX-V7Uu6ZiZxtDDRCi6uhfTH4FilpH
🎥 All videos: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLRqwX-V7Uu6ZiZxtDDRCi6uhfTH4FilpH
🧠 What is Code?: https://nebula.tv/what-is-code
🎶 Coding Together: https://soundcloud.com/user-207981744-979066415/coding-together
AppleSoft BASIC:
🍎 Basic Programming Reference Manual: https://mirrors.apple2.org.za/Apple%20II%20Documentation%20Project/Software/Languages/Applesoft%20BASIC/Manuals/Applesoft%20II%20BASIC%20Programming%20Reference%20Manual.pdf
🪧 Peeks, Pokes and Pointers: https://archive.org/details/peeks-pokes-pointers
Apple II Emulators:
☕ Applesoft BASIC in JavaScript: https://www.calormen.com/jsbasic/
🍎 Apple IIjs: https://www.scullinsteel.com/apple2/
🍎 MicroM8: https://paleotronic.com/software/microm8/
Editing by Mathieu Blanchette
Animations by Jason Heglund
Coding Together Theme by Will from America (https://twitter.com/willfromamerica)
Eye of the Tiger cover by Leon from @neoexplains
Additional music from from Epidemic Sound
0:00 Hello from 1981!
0:35 Opening Theme
1:29 Getting started
1:50 Fundamentals: PRINT, line numbers, LIST, RUN, GOTO
3:50 HOME (clear screen)
4:10 Variables
5:24 GOTO
5:44 Animation
6:20 Subroutines and GOSUB
7:17 Peeks, Pokes, & Pointers
8:35 Write IF for keyboard interaction
9:35 Delay loop
11:16 Working with Arrays (DIM)
13:47 Remarks (REM)
14:01 Random Food Position (RND)
15:26 Debugging Montage
17:34 Snake Subroutines
23:15 Move Food
25:44 Improvements
27:02 Emulators
27:25 Nebula Class! What is Code?
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🎥 Coding Challenges: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLRqwX-V7Uu6ZiZxtDDRCi6uhfTH4FilpH
🎥 Intro to Programming: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLRqwX-V7Uu6Zy51Q-x9tMWIv9cueOFTFA
🔗 p5.js: https://p5js.org
🔗 p5.js Web Editor: https://editor.p5js.org/
🔗 Processing: https://processing.org
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