What Was Lost to the Witchlight? | The Hero, The Prince, and The Dragon | Session 6
The Party has been dumped unceremoniously in Prismeer. Directly after Mr. Witch's cryptic message to Hero Oakenflame, they find themselves confronted by 10 Harengon who carry a unique captive. Who is this tiny Kobold, and what does she know?
The Wild Beyond the Witchlight 5E
Harlequin: https:www.instagram.com/hells_harlequin/
Chad: https:www.instagram.com/chadfromwork/
Spencer: https:www.instagram.com/theshaggysabersmith/
Enigma: https:www.instagram.com/enigma.photostudio/
Nate: https:www.instagram.com/natekyoken929/
Remis: https:www.instagram.com/wolfebiteremis/
Ventora: https:www.instagram.com/liljluisluna/
Adventure Beyond - Alexander Nakarada
Dragonquest - Alexander Nakarada
Dungeons and Dragons - Alexander Nakarada
Magic Tavern - Alexander Nakarada
Might Magic - Alexander Nakarada
Wonderland - Alexander Nakarada
At Day's End by Firefly Light - Wombat Noises Audio
The Wizard's Garden - Wombat Noises Audio
You Are Going Home - Wombat Noises Audio