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In this session, you will learn everything about the phrase " I feel حاسِس حالي " in Levantine Arabic, its use, grammar and some cultural insights. I hope you enjoy it and find it useful.
If you would like to learn in your spare time then see below a list of books I have published:
1- Levantine Arabic: Easy Grammar Book Links: https://amzn.to/3wp9SZI
2- Levantine Arabic: Activity book part 1, link: https://amzn.to/3iWEsXw
3- Levantine Arabic, activity book part 2, link https://amzn.to/3kuuMUx
عربي #inarabic
#Arabic #syrianArabic #SyrischArabisch #conjugatelevantinearabicverbs #tostartinlevantineArabic #learnarabic #قراءة #conjugatetheverbtocallinarabic
#learnlevantinearabic #newbook #levantinebook #comingoutsoon #Palestine #Syria #Lebanon #Jordan #arabicdialects
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