The former president of the Philippines is set to stand trial for Crimes Against Humanity in the Hague.
Rodrigo Duterte has been linked to thousands of extra-judicial killings during his controversial 'war on drugs'.
It's considered a win for the International Criminal Court - since it's rare for such a high profile figure to be brought to justice.
But domestic politics may have played a role in his arrest - Duterte had made an enemy of the sitting President.
So is justice being served? or is international law being weaponised for political gain?
And what does this mean for other powerful figures wanted by the ICC?
Presenter: James Bays
Kristina Conti - Secretary General of the National Union of Peoples' Lawyers.
Luis Moreno Ocampo - Former Chief Prosecutor at the International Criminal Court.
Richard Heydarian - Senior Lecturer in International Affairs at the University of the Philippines and author of 'The Rise of Duterte: A Populist Revolt against Elite Democracy'.
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#Philippines #RodrigoDuterte #HumanRights #ICC #CrimesAgainstHumanity #WarOnDrugs #EJK #TheHague #DuterteWarOnDrugs #ExtrajudicialKillings #AlJazeeraEnglish