What's in a Minimalist Kitchen? Or more importantly: what's not?? ;) Today we share our simplified kitchen and talk about how it is easy to clean, enjoyable to be in, causes me to cook more and waste less food!
V I D E O S M E N T I O N E D :
Decluttering Diana's Kitchen: https://youtu.be/nYeNn_oZ6X0
My SIMPLE Meal Planning System: https://youtu.be/31ZfV3IzqJs
Organizing your fridge (waste less food!): https://youtu.be/Xt7eBJk6N5E
Simplifying Dishes: https://youtu.be/VSNEbO_cqvg
Testing the Cook Once Eat All Week Cookbook: https://youtu.be/pZ2IuXruiy8
5 Quick & Easy Instant Pot Recipes: https://youtu.be/DbhGZ6hRGc0
P R O D U C T S M E N T I O N E D :
Miracle Blade Knife Set (they've gone up in price a little since I bought them 5 years ago!!): https://amzn.to/2YUqCZr (I also just realized I've been using the steak knives as paring knives-- but they work awesome!!)
Magnetic Measuring Spoons (LOVE these!): https://amzn.to/3fIiK3i
Cook Once Eat All Week Cookbook: https://amzn.to/3dEwie3
Also love my instant pot: https://amzn.to/3btkSsd
🖤 FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/minimalmom/
🖤 INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/the.minimal.mom/
🖤 BOOK RECOMMENDATION: The Minimalist Home https://amzn.to/2GPO0hM
LISTEN FOR FREE ON AUDIBLE: https://amzn.to/2ItCr2f
#minimalism #familyminimalism #minimalist
R E L A T E D :
Eliminate Paper Clutter Video Part 1: https://youtu.be/wdX-aj9LQ2Y
Organize Paper Clutter Video Part 2: https://youtu.be/sWzboHYxwhk
KITCHEN TOUR : https://youtu.be/mHQQWHuWh0Q
MY MEAL PLANNING SYSTEM VIDEO : https://youtu.be/31ZfV3IzqJs
📺 P O P U L A R R E L A T E D:
Why I became a Minimalist: https://youtu.be/m7IyvfXanFI
The Best Place to Start with Minimalism: https://youtu.be/Gh7UiYnxDzc
What to do when You get STUCK: https://youtu.be/c9YMz-9ZydQ
Video FAQ: https://youtu.be/b-_vat5Pd9I
🖥 R E L A T E D P O S T S:
How I store and organize kids clothes: http://www.theminimalmom.com/how-i-store-organize-kids-clothes/
Baby Keepsakes- What we keep & how: http://www.theminimalmom.com/baby-boxes/
🛍 Affiliate links:
📷 My Camera (that I LOVE!!): Canon G7X https://amzn.to/2o9hWLi
⌚Watch: (also LOVE ;) Garmin vivoactive 3 (White & Rose Gold) https://amzn.to/2HPGFQr
🖤 Tripod: https://amzn.to/2MMFzHs
Royalty-free music used with permission from the YouTube Creator Studio, Epidemic Sound and purchased from AudioJungle.net