Want to know how to conduct a basic data analysis using Stata 15? We show you just that. Watch as we show you how to import data into Stata from Excel, how to change the display format of a variable, how to label variables and the values of categorical variables, how to create new variables, how to describe and summarize variables, and how to create several kinds of graphs.
Next, we demonstrate how to fit a linear regression model, how to calculate and graph marginal predictions from the model, and how to send those commands to Stata's Do-file editor. The video ends with a discussion of how to learn more about Stata using the Help files, PDF documentation, and the *search* command.
To get started in Stata 16, see
00:42 Copy and paste data from Excel to Stata
01:12 Import Excel data to Stata
02:30 Change the display format of a variable
03:31 Define and add value labels to a variable
04:54 Create a new variable
06:03 Label a variable
06:23 Describe a dataset
07:11 Summarize a dataset
08:04 Create a histogram
08:41 Create a pie chart
09:01 Create a boxplot
09:58 Fit a linear regression model
12:12 Calculate marginal predictions
13:35 Create interaction plots
14:40 Creating do-files for reproducible analyses
16:00 How to open a Help File
16:10 How to open the PDF documentation
16:16 How to search for topics
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