===Check out our sponsors below===
Spring Creek Model Trains: https://www.springcreekmodeltrains.com/
Micro Engineering: http://microengineering.com/
NCE Corporation: https://www.ncedcc.com/
Intermountain Model Railway Co.: https://www.intermountain-railway.com...
SoundTraxx: https://soundtraxx.com/
TCS Train Control Systems: https://tcsdcc.com/
Jelsma Graphics for jackets, shirts and hats http://www.jelsma.com/
Micro-Mark: https://www.micromark.com/wntw - (Click here for the What's Neat product code)
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This week we cover a lot of ground in 41 minutes. Joshua Updates us on his turntable progress. Ken updates us on the work he has done in the past ten days on the new section of layout. Mike shares new cars from moloco. We look at new Broadway limited steam locomotives. Ken talks about modeling fall on the Midwest valley modelers layout and talks about how that layout was started and why. The changes over the years as the layout grew.