What's On My Home Server? Storage, OS, Media, Provisioning, Automation
- What applications do I run on my home server?
- What OS am I using?
- How do I automate deploying and provisioning?
- How do I secure my services from unauthorized access?
...and many other questions, answered in this video 😊
My Ansible Playbook: https://github.com/notthebee/infra
My Ubuntu Autoinstall Role: https://github.com/notthebee/ansible-role-ubuntu_autoinstall
"Ansible for Devops" by Jeff Geerling: https://www.ansiblefordevops.com/
"Ansible 101" Series by Jeff Geerling: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=goclfp6a2IQ&list=PL2_OBreMn7FqZkvMYt6ATmgC0KAGGJNAN
Awesome Selfhosted Github: https://github.com/awesome-selfhosted/awesome-selfhosted
Follow me:
Twitter https://twitter.com/notthebeeee
GitHub https://github.com/notthebee
Twitch https://twitch.com/notthebeee
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Patreon https://patreon.com/WolfgangsChannel
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Jalowo – Luminism (ft. Yonderling)
Hale – Moment
Tru Genesis – Burned
King Pong – Game Recognize
Videos are edited with Davinci Resolve Studio. I use Affinity Photo for thumbnails and Ableton Live for audio editing.
Video gear:
Camera https://geni.us/K8OOyKV (Amazon)
Main lens https://geni.us/jnnElY4 (Amazon)
Microphone https://geni.us/tgiSqL (Amazon)
Key light https://geni.us/Gi1zE2 (Amazon)
Softbox https://geni.us/F86pM (Amazon)
Secondary light https://geni.us/aciv (Amazon)
Other stuff that I use:
Monitor https://geni.us/KUzcmcP (Amazon)
Monitor arm https://geni.us/5RXu (Amazon)
Laptop stand https://geni.us/X5vx9Af (Amazon)
Keyboard https://www.amazon.de/HHKB-PD-KB401W-Tastenkappen-Professionelle-Mechanische/dp/B082TXQD1S
Mouse https://geni.us/KB7h (Amazon)
Audio interface https://geni.us/sdhWsC (Amazon)
As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases
00:00 Intro
00:29 The dashboard and media applications
02:21 Nextcloud
03:20 PhotoPrism
04:15 Bitwarden/Vaultwarden
05:30 System applications
06:35 PiKVM
07:48 PiHole & Unbound
09:07 Home Automation
11:36 Other stuff
12:15 The OS
13:05 Storage and filesystems
14:38 Security
16:57 Dynamic DNS
17:59 Provisioning and deploying
19:09 IaC (Infrastracture as Code)
20:00 Why not just use shell scripts?
22:14 Ansible playbook walkthrough
23:50 Yeeting my bootdrive and reinstalling from scratch
25:48 Thoughts and considerations
26:38 Special thanks and outro