This was a very special opportunity indeed, and I really hope you enjoy it.
In a nutshell, I got hold of an E-mu SP-12 from the 80s and then discovered that a friend, Andrew Ward, has some of Phil Collins and Mike Rutherford's original floppy discs for it that are part of his Genesis equipment collection.
Chris Poacher leant us a floppy drive and I fired up the discs, possibly for the first time in over 30 years. In this video, we find out what I discovered!
0:00 Intro
1:01 Extracting the sounds
1:46 Phil Collins custom samples
3:40 Phil Collins song data
4:14 It's alive!
6:24 Mike + The Mechanics custom samples
7:55 Bonus Sounds
8:28 Summary
9:20 Fake Genesis Jam
Andrew Ward:
Chris Poacher: