In this video, we explore Millicent's questline and the lore surrounding Miquella's Haligtree and Malenia.
00:00 Intro
00:27 Consecrated Snowfield
00:40 Ordina Liturgical Town
01:48 Upper Haligtree
02:24 Haligtree Town
03:50 Elphael, Brace of the Haligtree
05:17 Inside the Haligtree
05:59 Lower Brace
06:55 Haligtree Roots
07:54 The Deal with Malenia
10:36 The Deal with Miquella
11:36 Meeting Millicent
11:58 Meeting Gowry and Kevin Feige
12:55 Ant-Man
13:31 Curing Millicent
14:02 Millicent has left
14:41 Men Who Gaze At Trees
15:18 Shaded Castle
16:36 Millicent moves on
17:04 Castle Sol
17:54 Millicent in the Haligtree
18:17 Ulcerated Tree Spirit Gaming
18:46 Gowry has a job for you
19:39 Helping Millicent
20:00 Millicent got owned
20:51 Gowry gets owned
21:20 Returning Malenia's will to be less annoying
21:35 The Deal with Millicent
23:06 Shadow of the Erdtree