Take one look at the Army’s new whip called the Ground Mobility Vehicle and your first thought is probably "no way am I getting in that thing." Recently the entire US Military has been adding unarmored fast lightweight off road vehicles like the GMV and the Infantry Squad Vehicle. The marines have their desert patrol vehicle that is so lightweight there are reports of it flipping over when they tried firing a recoilless rifle from it.
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So what’s going on here with all these barebones infantry troop transports? I thought we just spent the last two decades up armoring every vehicle to the teeth till they could barely qualify to go over a bridge. Listen, if my squad leader gave me a briefing saying “Alright everyone we’re moving out to the enemy compound in our new unarmored buggy” They’d have to make me go kicking and screaming.
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Written by: Chris Cappy
Edited Co Produced by: Rebecca Rosen
Sure, you might get a great scenic ride on the way over and that's all well and good until you’re within about 300 meters of the enemy. Look, everyone is wondering the same exact thing here “Where and when would these unarmored buggy vehicles be used because they look like a dang death trap” fair enough question. Lets answer it with this video!
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