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◤Power semiconductor related videos◢
Playlist https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLsjRI4ZEczlAZgFuqD1mJLwPTyGfmIaDZ
◤Equipment used◢ (includes amazon associate links)
Oscilloscope Teledyne LeCroy HDO6104B 1GHz model https://teledynelecroy.com/japan/products/scopes/hdo6k-b/default.asp
◤Table of Contents◢
0:00 I bought the parts advertised by Digikey
0:32 Pulse transformer
2:23 Isolated DC/DC converter
4:49 DC/DC converter (buck converter)
6:04 Inductors
7:30 Peltier element
9:59 RFID transponder
11:41 Capacitor-like resistors
12:19 MELF resistors
13:17 Summary
◤Business-related inquiries◢
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Email address inquiry@ichiken-engineering.com
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