#MaharanaPratap #Akbar #Haldighati #Dewair #IndianHistory When 36,000 Mughals Surrendered to Maharana Pratap | Battle of Haldighati and Battle of Dewair - A report from World Affairs by Prashant Dhawan
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Original video link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QISJM7gCzbU&t=5s
prashant dhawan, prashant dhawan world affairs, world affairs, current affairs, current affairs today, unacademy, upsc, upsc current affairs, indian history, भारतीय इतिहास, भारत का इतिहास, pratap singh I, maharana, rana pratap, maharana pratap, battle of haldigath, हल्दीनाथ की लड़ाई, महाराणा प्रताप, Battle of Haldighati, battle of dewair 1582 in hindi, battle of dewair, battle of dewar, mughals, akbar, bairam khan death
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