There's often a lot of emphasis in math on generalizing concepts beyond the domains where they were originally defined, but what are the limits of this process? Let's take a look at a small example from complex analysis where we actually have the tools to predict when this is impossible.
This video is a participant in the third Summer of Math Exposition (#SoME3) hosted by 3Blue1Brown to encourage more math content online. To learn more, see this:
0:00 - Intro
1:15 - Extending a Geometric Series
3:39 - Complex Power Series
6:23 - Analytic Continuation
8:30 - Analyzing the Gap Series
11:51 - Visualizing the Gap Series
19:21 - Gap Theorems
This video was generously supported in part by these patrons on Patreon:
Marshall Harrison, Michael OConnor, Mfriend.
To support future videos, become a patron at
Thank you for your support!
The music tracks used in this video are (in order of first appearance): Icelandic Arpeggios, Checkmate, Ascending, Orient, Faultlines
The animations in this video were mostly made with a homemade Python library called "Morpho". It's mostly a personal project, but if you want to play with it, you can find it here: