The scenes in the video are totally work of fiction and entertainment.
It does not state the personal life of any of the idols.
I do not own any picture or music used in the video.credits to their respective owners.
I just own the storyline. please don't copy without permission
Please don't read if you are uncomfortable.
professor utonium to my Powerpuff girls…
Utonium aka me = Ataravirg = for ff updates and deep quotes https://instagram.com/ataravirg?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
Bubbles = Snowy._.bts = for bright and deep quotes and posts
Blossoms = guqsly = hot and cute kookie ffs for jungkook stans https://instagram.com/guqsly?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
Butter cups = iichxrry_blxssumxx = for aesthetic, deep quotes and posts https://instagram.com/iichxrry_blxssumxx?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
Let's support my team🦾
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