OKRs and KPIs are goals that naturally complement each other. There are a number of good reasons why you should get your KPIs in place before you start implementing OKR.
Learn the difference between OKRs and KPIs, and why KPIs should come before your OKRs.
Head over to the following resources to learn more:
When implementing OKR, get your KPIs in place first: https://www.perdoo.com/resources/when-implementing-okr-get-your-kpis-in-place-first/
OKRs vs. KPIs: https://www.perdoo.com/resources/okr-vs-kpi/
The OKR examples guide: https://www.perdoo.com/okr-examples-guide/
OKR & KPI example library: https://support.perdoo.com/en/?q=examples
Track your OKRs and KPIs for free. Create your own FREE Perdoo account here: https://www.perdoo.com/#get-started
SUBSCRIBE for all our latest videos on OKR, KPI and strategy execution best practices, and a lot more: https://www.youtube.com/perdoohq?sub_confirmation=1
New to OKR? Learn everything about getting started with Objectives and Key Results:
OKR Crash Course (video): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EIcpFZ5rbHc
The ultimate guide to OKR (eBook): https://www.perdoo.com/resources/ebook-the-ultimate-guide-to-okr/
How to write great OKRs (eBook): https://www.perdoo.com/resources/ebook-how-to-write-great-okrs/
Goal Diggers podcast on everything OKR, KPIs, and strategy
Tune in to listen to all our episodes on the app of your choice: https://goal-diggers-by-perdoo.captivate.fm/listen
You'll find our latest insights and resources (including an online introduction to OKR, an eBook How to write great OKRs, and guides full of example goals) on our resources page: https://www.perdoo.com/resources/
Talk to us! Learn how Perdoo can help your organization execute its strategy and achieve its goals. Book a free demo: https://www.perdoo.com/get-a-demo/
We’d love to connect with you. Follow us on:
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About Perdoo
Perdoo is a goal management platform that helps organizations bridge the strategy-execution gap by bringing their strategy, people and goals (namely OKRs & KPIs) onto a single platform. By doing so Perdoo doesn’t only help organizations achieve results that truly matter to them, it also helps improve transparency, alignment and overall focus. To learn more about us, head over to www.perdoo.com
What the video covers:
0:00 - What are OKRs and KPIs?
0:25 - KPIs vs. OKRs: an analogy
1:24 - Why you need to get your KPIs in place first
4:03 - You already have KPIs
4:59 - Watch out for fake KPIs