Title: जब अगुवा ढल्छ! | WHEN LEADER FALLS !
Speaker: Ps. Daniel Chhetri
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For Online Zoom Fellowship
ID: 974 8724 7750
Passcode: 12345
Nepali Time: 7:30 PM (Sunday, Monday, Wednesday, Thursday & Friday)
link: https://us05web.us/j/97487247750?pwd=S3lyMHRBZ3p1bXB3WHRjUkRvMXloUT09
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Supernatural Harvest Ministries
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चर्च: प्रशस्त कटनी मण्डली
( स्थान: पोखरा लेखनाथ-२९,पावरहाउस
समय: हरेक शनिवार बिहान १०:००-१२:०० बजेसम्म )
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परमेश्वर पिताले तपाईलाई आशिष दिउन।
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