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जब अभिषिक्त जनले भुल गर्छन | When leaders fall

Daniel Chhetri 53,233 5 years ago
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अभिषिक्त अगुवाले जब भूल गर्छन उनी आफै मात्र होइन धेरै अरू मानिसहरूलाई यसले अशान्त पार्दछ। आक्रोश र तितोपन कोठे चर्चा र सोशल मीडिया मा पोखिँदछ। तर पाप संग सम्झैता गर्नै नसक्ने प्रचण्ड पवित्रताको स्वभाव भएको परमेश्वर भित्र त्यस भुल गर्ने मानिसको निम्ती करूणा र तिनको पुनर्स्थापना देख्ने चाहना एक मानव मस्तिष्क लाई छक्कै पार्ने कुरो हो। उँहाले प्रयोग गर्दैगरेका मानिसहरू सिद्ध छैनन् भन्ने कुरा परमेश्वर जान्नुहुन्छ। भूलप्रती आँखा नचिम्ली पनि उहाले दोस्रो मौक़ा दिनुहुन्छ भने परमेश्वरको मण्डलिसत पनि यही करूणा, धिरज र पुनर्स्थापनाको हृदय हुन जरूरी छ। When anointed leaders make mistakes it’s disappointing. The sense of betrayal cause us to pour out bitterness and judgement when we talk about them. It even gets flooded in the social media. For a human mind it’s difficult to comprehend how could the God of uncompromising holiness have compassion on that person and wants him restored. God knows that the people he is using are not perfect. If God without ignoring the mistake desires to give second chance, the church of God also needs to develop their heart compassion, patience and restoration. Topics: 00:00- Anointed people makes mistakes 10:15- Forgive and restore the Anointed leaders 20:07- God chooses and uses imperfect people in His ministry 27:30- Five (5) Steps as to restore the anointed leaders Subscribe: Facebook: Music Link: Serenity, No Copy Right Music Source: The Church of Jesus Christ, Pexels and Unsplash. Sunday the 7th June 2020 Message recorded at Gangtok, Sikkim, India. Speaker: Pastor Daniel Chhetri Subscribe to Daniel Chhetri Youtube channel to stream my latest teachings and messages from over the years, and much more. Hit the Notification Bell so that you’ll never miss my most recent video. Phone Nos. +91 7679731266, 9474531577 Email: [email protected]
