"Do you remember? When this mashup got reuploaded in September?"
The original upload is still up, but blocked in many countries due to a visual copyright claim. This reupload contains commissioned artwork that should clear this.
Walkure - Rune ga Pikatto Hikattara
Earth, Wind, and Fire - September
BG artwork by Zeetheranok: https://twitter.com/Zceenook
(Can't thank them enough for drawing this for the reupload, go send them some love)
Inverted mix: https://youtu.be/gwUs8MFRtS4
9/21 Version: https://youtu.be/BIcOO6TLKaY
M4A Download (updated as of 9/18/19, let me know if this link goes down): http://www.mediafire.com/file/1jrdlzohb6lgh87/When_the_Rune_Sparkles_in_September.m4a/file
9/21 version on Bandcamp (use the free downloads when possible!): https://emdyion.bandcamp.com/track/when-the-rune-sparkles-in-september-9-21-version