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Written by @PaulMSutter
Check out his fantastic YouTube channel and podcast for more: https://www.pmsutter.com/shows/askaspaceman
And his books which inspired this video: https://www.pmsutter.com/books
Edited by Manuel Rubio @ArtandContext
Narrated by David Kelly
Thumbnail art by Ettore Mazza: https://www.instagram.com/ettore.mazza/?hl=en
Models of our large scale universe by Daniel Pomarède: https://x.com/DanielPomarede
Sound Editing by Craig Stevenson
Galaxies, space videos from NASA, ESO, and ESA
Music from Epidemic Sound, Artlist, Silver Maple and Yehezkel Raz
Stock footage from Videoblocks, Artgrid and Shutterstock
00:00 Introduction
05:08 Where Are You Going?
14:26 Towards Andromeda
25:08 Beyond The Great Attractor
47:04 Final Destination