Which Out-The-Front Knife is BEST? | OTF Knives Buyers Guide 2023
George and Theo break down a ton of the best OTFs you can buy at every price point from all your favorite brands!
Get all your knives at Blade HQ! http://bit.ly/3Jsty6w
Shop all OTFs: http://bit.ly/3kYmIMB
0:00 Introduction
0:12 Smith & Wesson M&P OTF $54.95 http://bit.ly/3ypjVin
2:19 AKC F-16 $59.95 http://bit.ly/3J7g3rt
4:00 AKC EVO $119.95 http://bit.ly/3J5yrkp
5:19 Boker Slike $68.95 http://bit.ly/3ZC0nDv
7:14 Boker Kalashnikov OTF $145.95 http://bit.ly/3FabBqC
8:18 Boker USB $72.95 http://bit.ly/3ZyVmM3
9:02 Boker USA OTF $231.20 http://bit.ly/3YAOeNX
10:12 Hogue Compound $323.96+ http://bit.ly/3F7m06E
12:47 Paragon X-Bolt $199+ http://bit.ly/3mIYoPq
13:41 Paragon Estiletto $260+ http://bit.ly/3T2U09S
15:14 Kershaw Livewire $239.95 http://bit.ly/3YF6INc
16:59 SOG Pentagon OTF $349.95 http://bit.ly/3J430qO
18:39 Guardian Tactical Recon-035 $270+ http://bit.ly/3J5zRvf
20:24 Benchmade Shootout $292.50+ http://bit.ly/3kUNkhz
22:10 Benchmade Infidel $495 http://bit.ly/3ZDwgvE
23:44 Heretic Manticore $303+ http://bit.ly/41Yiq8B
25:25 Microtech Ultratech $280+ http://bit.ly/3mDlKWC
27:17 Microtech UTX-85 $262+ http://bit.ly/3mFqURS
27:43 Microtech UTX-70 $246+ http://bit.ly/3ZYsqgl
28:19 Microtech Exocet $278+ http://bit.ly/3yr4o1J
30:16 Outro
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