This is a topic is something that not many shin megami tensei fans might think of, but is always in the back of our minds. Who is Stephen in smt, and what in the multiverse is the axiom? In this concise smt lore video I will be answering those exact questions. Shin megami tensei revolves around the multiverse of Amala, the infinite universes of the smt games. shin megami tensei's Stephen or Steven depending on the game, is the seemingly all powerful right hand man of the great will. The great will is the creator of the amala network multiverse connecting all of the shin megami tensei games together. While I give a lot of information in this video, there is still plenty to discuss about these two characters. Simply who Stephen and the Axiom are warrants a 10 minute video, let alone what they do in every appearance. That is a big part about why I love shin megami tensei though and I won't be wanting for video ideas. I always strive for a better understanding of the shin megami tensei series lore, understanding Stephen, the axiom, and the great will, are at the core of understanding the multiverse and interconnected worlds of shin megami tensei. A majority of the screenshots and footage will be from shin megami tensei 4 though other shin megami tensei games will be refered back to. Stephen and the Axiom are referenced in tons of shin megami tensei games and the smt lore behind them will be unvieled today. I love sharing smt lore and shin megami tensei is one of my favorite series ever. I hope my passion for shin megami tensei is shown here and you learned more about smt lore with Stephen and the axiom. If you have anything you'd like to know about shin megami tensei lore let me know. I hope you like this episode of SMT lore and I'll see you in the next Tony4You.
#smt #smtlore
Stephen is the wheelchair bound well dressed man who appears in plenty of SMT games, most notably SMT 1, 2, 4, and Apocalypse, where he is explicitly stated as the creator of the demon summoning program. This man foresaw the demon’s inevitable invasion of earth and sought out strong individuals to use the program in SMT 1 and 2. In 4 and apocalypse the demon summoning program is far more widespread to the general populace as the demon invasion is well underway in those games, but he still makes an appearance when a noticeably strong willed individual appears. The main characters of these games catch his eye as people that can change the course of the world, which seems to be his ultimate goal. The worlds created don’t seem to be of any consequence as he helps you regardless of alignment. Not only is he the creator of the demon summoning program, but also the terminals that allow instantaneous teleportation throughout Japan as well as the Abyss. While he was experimenting with this invention he was travelling through the expanse, a world of demons and spirits, and was confronted by an entity. Stephen could not comprehend the creature's language and the interaction became hostile, resulting in Stephen being crippled. This event eventually spurred Stephen into creating the demon summoning program prior to the events of Shin Megami Tensei. This software when downloaded to a COMP allows real time translation of demonic and spiritual tongues, automatic mapping of the surroundings, and most importantly, the storage of demons for personal use. Stephen foresaw the destruction of Tokyo and distributed the demon summoning program, and the rest I’m sure you’re all familiar with by now. In the original Shin Megami Tensei you find him imprisoned in the Echo building prior to the bombs falling and save him, afterwards he rarely makes appearances other than to upgrade the player’s program, so presumably he is hard at work behind the scenes. In Shin Megami tensei 2 he appears only in the battle simulators scattered throughout the main cities of the games. He approaches Hawk and offers the demon summoning program as he once again foresees a great calamity to befall Tokyo. Stephen makes appearances in almost every mainline game with the exception of SMT 3 Nocturne and Strange Journey. SMT 1, 2, if… kinda, 4, 4 Apocalypse, and even SMT NINE. He is often the catalyst by which the adventure starts and afterwards just… disappears, Even his cat Schrodinger can speak and has immense power as seen in Digital Devil Saga. So this begs the question. Who is Stephen really? Well it isn’t a trick question, he really is just a human, a genius granted, but a human nonetheless, but the source of his immense knowledge can be explained by talking about our next point of interest, the Great Will, or The Axiom.