I share my thoughts on the UK's latest model railway craze TT:120 and wonder - who is TT:120 really for?
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TT:120 has made quite a splash within the model railway community since it's launch in the UK 18 months ago. Some people love it, others hate it, a few more are indifferent. Now that the scale has had time to settle in I was curious to look at some of the Pros & Cons of TT:120 and talk about who on earth this scale is actually for?
Was it a mistake? Will it survive long term? Has Hornby's initial marketing strategy hurt them... I discuss all these in the video and give my thoughts on each. If you're considering TT:120 yourself, watch this video before you make any decisions.
00:00 - Intro
01:40 - Pros Of TT:120
05:08 - Cons Of TT:120
07:16 - Who Is TT:120 For?
09:50 - Hornby's Marketing Strategy
12:33 - Negativity Towards TT:120
15:02 - Will TT:120 Survive?
17:48 - Final Thoughts On TT:120
Thanks for watching 😃