Folk #16 - A casual overview of Ross Perot and the highlights of the 1992 election against Governor Bill Clinton and President George HW Bush.
Texas businessman Ross Perot decides to get involved in politics because he’s fed up with how the country’s finances are being managed. A straight shooter of short stature, Perot’s candidacy nearly rode a wave of popular support all the way to the White House.
Progress-wise, we are 16/55ths (29.1%) of our way to 55 Folks. Man, time moves so slowly. It seems like we started this channel decades ago - yet somehow it's only been 10 and a half months.
Outside - The Siege
Marvel - Ryan Taubert
False Dawn - Dylan Rockwell
Something Dumb - Dylan Rockwell
All Eyes On Me - Marcus Meston
Uncovered - Joseph Morgan
Lune - Tony Anderson
Classic - Marcus Meston
Prelude For the Future - melodysheep