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Who Wrote the Dead Sea Scrolls?

James Tabor 21,962 3 years ago
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For more on this topic with lots of free and downloadable materials, see Dr. Tabor's blog: https://james Just do a search for any topic that interests you. Also please subscribe to the blog--emails secure and never shared--and also subscribe to this YouTube channel. This lecture was done in 2009 but I would not change much of it even if I were giving it today. It offers a good overview of the main issues scholars continue to grapple with. This lecture was part a Biblical Archaeology Society seminar, publishers of the premiere archaeology magazine, Biblical Archaeology Review. It is used with permission. I encourage viewers to subscribe to the incredible BAS Library, with thousands of articles, books, and videos. There is nothing like this rich archive that covers every major topic and discovery for more than 40 years. Unlimited access to the library is available for a small annual subscription price, see:
