#HeartHealth #WomenAndHeartDisease #CardiovascularHealth #HeartAwareness #WomenInMedicine #HealthyLifestyle #MenopauseHealth #AutoimmuneDiseases #PCOS #heartdiseaseprevention
Women are at a higher risk for heart disease due to a combination of biological, hormonal, and lifestyle factors.It’s important for women to know the main risk factors for heart disease: high blood pressure or cholesterol, diabetes, smoking, lack of exercise, poor diet and high stress.Efforts to educate women about their heart health and encourage healthy lifestyle changes can help mitigate some of these risks.
#heartdisease #womenshealth #cardiovascularhealth #riskfactors #healthylifestyle #preventionmatters #genderhealth #medicalresearch #heartconditions #healthtips #wellness #femalehealth #heartawareness #healthyfuture #heartstrong
பெண்களுக்கு மாரடைப்பு அதிகம் வருவது ஏன்? | Why are women more at risk for heart disease? - Dr.V.Chockalingam (Cardiologist)
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