Today's video takes us just outside this alleyway & surrounding area, where we recorded along the public sidewalk as a test of our 1A freedom in public. We had various points of contact from people passing by & from one of the businesses. A woman came out asking why we were filming & wanted to know what was going on . When she was about to ask another question I let her know in so many words that I wouldn't be answering any more of her questions and at that point she turned away & got on the phone as if s was making a call. As We continued recording , it sounded like she was on the phone with law enforcement , as we were able to hear her giving our description to whoever was on the other end of the phone. As she was still on the phone , we got a marathon middle finger salute from her. After a few minutes, she went back inside without further contact. We continued recording around the alley & some time later, being unaware if they were on scene because of us. a community volunteer patrol pulled up & we had a friendly chat with the two elderly fellas in the car. I was rather surprised that L.A.P.D. has a community volunteer patrol. The driver had mentioned he'd been part of the community patrol for about 3 years & his passenger had been for a little over a year. They both said they volunteer because they enjoy serving their community ... good for them 👍👍
The next main point of contact I had was from a gal who took issue with my recording as she was attempting to load a ladder in the back of her Cadillac SUV. I dubbed her Cadillac Karen as she drove away finally after a few moments of back & forth insults. Feel free to chime in below in the comment section with your thoughts on todays video & as alway, I thank you for tuning in to the channel to watch !
F.A.R. out👍
#StreetPhotography #FIrstAmendmentAudit #Freedom #PublicVideography