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Starship Flight 8 has flown—and just like Flight 7, it ended in another dramatic failure. While the booster was successfully caught for the third time, Ship 34 suffered a catastrophic loss in a seemingly similar way to Ship 33. Did SpaceX really fix the problem, or was this flight rushed? We analyze what happened, why it failed, and what this means for Flight 9.
Jack Beyer breaks down all the critical details, including changes from Flight 7 to Flight 8, booster and ship performance, and what SpaceX needs to do next to get Starship to orbit.
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🤵 Hosted by Jack Beyer (@thejackbeyer).
🖊️ Written by Alejandro Alcantarilla Romera (@AlexPhysics13)
🎥 Video from BocaChicaGal, Jack Beyer, Max Evans, D. Wise, Gage, Ceaser G, Starbase Live, SpaceX.
✂️ Edited by Derek Schumer.
💼 Produced by Kevin Michael Reed (@kmreed).
Rocket Ranch! https://www.rocketranchbocachica.com/
🔍 If you are interested in using footage from this video, please review our content use policy: https://www.nasaspaceflight.com/content-use-policy/
L2 Boca Chica (more clips and photos) from BC's very early days to today.
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