Flat Pack model kits available here: https://sublightdrive.etsy.com/
Donate to the EFF: https://supporters.eff.org/donate/
Bruce Sterling's The Hacker Crackdown: https://www.mit.edu/hacker/hacker.html
Read the Bell E911 Document that caused all this hullabaloo: https://phrack.org/issues/24/5#article
Materials Used:
Flat sheet styrene, .040" and .020" thickness
~30/70 mix of acrylic medium and spackle for concrete texture
Kitbashed parts from multiple model kits
Guitar string and jewelry wire
Styrene rods and half rods
Vinyl sticker sheet for road dividers
1 mystery wooden display stand (salvaged)
Acrylic and oil paints
Sick Hacker Username Count: 10
“10th Anniversary of USSS Raid on Steve Jackson Games & Illuminati BBS.” 2012. Electronic Frontier Foundation. January 12, 2012. https://www.eff.org/effector/13/2.
“1834: The First Cyberattack.” 2018. Schneier on Security. May 31, 2018. https://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2018/05/1834_the_first_.html.
“A History of Protecting Freedom Where Law and Technology Collide.” 2011. Electronic Frontier Foundation. October 7, 2011. https://www.eff.org/about/history.
Abbie Hoffman. 1971. Steal This Book. Pirate Editions. http://tenant.net/Community/steal/steal.html.
Alex Orlando. October 10, 2020. “The Story of the 414s: The Milwaukee Teenagers Who Became Hacking Pioneers.” Discover Magazine. Accessed December 5, 2024. https://www.discovermagazine.com/technology/the-story-of-the-414s-the-milwaukee-teenagers-who-became-hacking-pioneers.
Bruce Sterling. 1991. “The Jackson Raid.” 1991. http://vadeker.net/articles/sterling/jackson_raid.txt.
———. 1992. The Hacker Crackdown. Bantam Books. https://www.mit.edu/hacker/hacker.html.
“Cybersecurity Specialist Profile: Eric Corley (Code Name: Emmanuel Goldstein), Publisher of 2600: The Hacker Quarterly.” 2017. November 29, 2017. https://www.cybersecurityeducationguides.org/eric-corley-code-name-emmanuel-goldstein/.
Dave’s Garage, dir. 2024. How One Line of Code Crashed AT&T’s Long-Distance Network. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qCEQP8Fp7PY.
John Perry Barlow. 2018. “Crime and Puzzlement.” Electronic Frontier Foundation. February 9, 2018. https://www.eff.org/pages/crime-and-puzzlement.
Kaplan, Howard J, Joseph A Matteo, Richard Sillett, and Arkin Kaplan Rice. n.d. “The History and Law of Wiretapping.”
Knight Lightning (aka Craig Neidorf). 1987. “SCAN MAN - FED OR PHREAK? (The Other Side).” .:: Phrack Magazine ::., January 19, 1987. https://phrack.org/issues/10/8#article.
Loyd Blankenship (aka The Mentor). 1986. “\/\The Conscience of a Hacker/\/.” _Phrack_ Magazine. January 8, 1986. https://phrack.org/issues/7/3.html.
Luke Plunkett. 2011. “The Day the Secret Service Raided a Role-Playing Game Company.” Kotaku. May 13, 2011. https://kotaku.com/the-day-the-secret-service-raided-a-role-playing-game-c-5801427.
Peter G. Neumann. n.d. “The Crash of the AT&T Network in 1990.” Telephone World. Accessed February 9, 2025. https://telephoneworld.org/landline-telephone-history/the-crash-of-the-att-network-in-1990/.
SJ Games. n.d. “SJ Games vs. the Secret Service.” Accessed April 5, 2023. http://www.sjgames.com/SS/.
Slatalla, Michelle. 1994. “Gang War in Cyberspace.” WIRED. December 1, 1994. https://www.wired.com/1994/12/hacker-4/.
The Eavesdropper (aka Prophet). 1989. “Control Office Administration Of Enhanced 911 Services For Special Services And Major Account Centers.” .:: Phrack Magazine ::., February 25, 1989. https://phrack.org/issues/24/5#article.
Werner, Leslie Maitland. 1984. “JUSTICE DEPARTMENT; GETTING OUT THE WORD ON THE NEW CRIME ACT (Published 1984).” The New York Times (blog). November 16, 1984. https://www.nytimes.com/1984/11/16/us/justice-department-getting-out-the-word-on-the-new-crime-act.html.
0:00 Intro
3:07 And You Call US Criminals
7:22 Damn Kids
12:34 I Know Everyone Here... Even Though I've Never Met Them
21:35 Another One Got Caught Today
34:05 A Door Opened