Our Firmament with Prof. İbrahim Kalın continues on My Mecra. In this episode, İbrahim Kalın discusses the problem of theodicy (the question of how to reconcile the existence of a Creator with the existence of a flawed world) in relation to the issue of evil.
💫 Highlights of the Episode
📍 Evil is the deficiency and imperfection of existence.
📍 A person should not allow evil to darken his inner world.
📍 Evil is the test of humanity and offers opportunities.
📍 Good and evil cannot coexist. Bad things do not happen to good people.
📍 It is our duty to fight against all evils one by one and eliminate them.
And many other special topics were discussed in this episode.
Let’s Walk Together…
#ibrahimkalın #kendigökkubbemiz #mymecra
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