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#WhyRound #GetYourHorseRound #IsYourHorseRound
00:00 Introduction to Why Round
01:07 Why do we want our horses to be round
02:19 Drone View of round horse
03:15 Roundness and Health
03:58 What happens when the horse's neck comes down
04:30 Demo of correct way and incorrect way
05:48 Roundness and Rider Position
06:28 How to tell your horse is round.
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Are you someone who’s always had difficulty with the concept of roundess with your horse? Does your trainer tell you you need to get rounder? Do you see it on tests?
In this video we take you through:
a) What is roundness
b) why your horse should be round and b
c) How you can tell if your horse is round or not
Do you struggle to keep a steady contact? Are your reins always getting too long? Does your horse constantly pull the reins out of your hands?
As Charlotte Dujardin famously said “Short reins win gold medals”, and she’d know right!? The right rein length is crucial for us to be able to communicate with our horses properly, sensitively, and effectively, so in this week’s video I’m going give you all my secrets about rein length.
The first thing to understand is how to shorten and maintain your rein length.
To shorten your reins take both reins in one hand, slide the other hand down the rein and then repeat this on the other side.
To maintain the length, we put pressure on the rein between our thumb and our pointer finger, (not gripping with the whole fist as many often think). Horses are very clever about how to get the reins out of your hands without you even noticing, but this method of holding the reins will keep you aware of this. (I had a client one time that swore she had reins that magically grew in length 😂)
One mistake I see people make a lot is tipping forward when they’re shortening the reins! This totally destabilizes your position. Please sit back and keep your bum in the saddle when you’re adjusting your reins! There is no need to tip forward.
Here are a few more tips on rein length:
You want to maintain a steady and elastic contact with your horses' mouth. Contact is defined as light tension on the rein.
If your reins get too long, you won't be able to turn or stop!
When riding a circle, we want our horses looking slightly inward. When you change direction you will need to shorten the new inside rein slightly.
If your horse comes above the contact, you can also widen your hands to get contact and help your horse to lower and drop their head.
For a stretch circle, simply loosen the grip between the thumb and pointer, and allow the reins to slip out of your hands, but always maintaining the contact.
The most important thing to remember is that the roundness must come from behind, you’re never pulling your horse into the contact, you’re always driving them towards it.
If you haven't yet click here to join my brand new 30 Days to Round Challenge! Inside this challenge, I am going to give away all my secrets to getting your horse round, supple, and soft! Not only that, but you could win up to $1,000 when you enter the challenge and show us your transformation!
Have a look at this video where I demonstrate on Jacques and let me know in the comments if you find it helpful!