My profesor of matematics used to say: ,,This solution is great, but useless", and it's pretty much same with counter-rotating propellers.
Stay with us and we will explain you why!
Counter-rotating propellers are the ideal solution to fight torque, but on the other hand the disadvantages outweigh the advantages!
We also mentioned some ongoing prototypes!
Topics that will be covered in this classroom:
*Please, be aware that we are adding videos each week, so there can and will be changes to this list.
1. Intro: Searching for the ultimate best paramotor - what is or will be your flying style?
2. Paramotor suspension, part 1: Why suspension is the most important characteristics of a paramotor?
3. Paramotor suspension, part 2: Why weight-shift is more fun and more safe?
4. Paramotor suspension, part 3: How much weight-shift authority you get from your paramotor?
5. Paramotor suspension, part 4: Pitch stability under power
6. Paramotor suspension, part 5: Speed bar behavior
7. Paramotor suspension, part 6: Ground-handling and running with a paramotor
8. Paramotor suspension, part 7: Comfort in flight
9. Paramotor suspension, part 8: The sectret questionmark suspension.
10. Paramotor suspension, part 8: The big comparison of paramotor suspension systems
11. Torque: Why and how much torque we face?
12. Torque: Why don't we use counter-rotating propellers?
13. Torque compensation on high suspension paramotors
14. Torque compensation on medium and low suspension paramotors
15. Torque: SCOUT Dynamic Torque Compensation.
16. Comparison of torque compensation systems
17. Gyroscopic effect on paramotors
18. Geometry of the paramotor frame, part 3: Why being reclined is dangerous?
19. Geometry of the paramotor frame, part 1: Why being reclined is inefficient?
20. Geometry of the paramotor frame, part 4: Big comparison of paramotor frame geometry
21. Harness geometry, part 1 - getting in and out of the harness
22. Harness geometry, part 2 -Why some harnesses are more comfortable than others?
23. paramotor safety, part 1: Load test of paramotors
24. paramotor safety, part 2: Attachment of the gooseneck bars to the main frame
25. paramotor safety, part 3: crumple zones and back protection
26. paramotor safety, part 4: Beware of getting the throttle cable into the propeller
27. paramotor safety, part 5: propeller clearance
28. How much power do you need?
29. Standard 125 cm prop or larger?
30. How much does weight matter?
31. Do you need a clutch?
32. Electric starter or manual?
33. How important is aerodynamics of paramotors? fuel tank hanging low
34. How much fuel capacity do you need?
35. What is the ideal paramotor for tandems?
Stay tuned! Did we miss something you want to learn?
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