I have had a few requests to go over why I am planning on pursuing traditional publishing and the pros and cons as I see them. Of course, I am not in their publishing industry so I just tried to include as much research and references as I could, but if I say anything you know to be untrue because you are in the industry, PLEASE let me know below! There are a lot of misconceptions out there and I don't want to contribute to them.
Also, given the recent drama with the PRH lawsuit and Barnes and Noble, I just want to add that this hasn't changed my opinions on trad vs self pub.
ALSO also, I didn't mention this in the video, but the concept of self-publishing being so pay-to-play is definitely a problem that I hope to hear more people talking about!
00:00 - Intro
02:41 - History of my plan
03:09 - Pros of Self Pub
10:38 - Cons of Self Pub
24:12 - Cons of Trad Pub
29:13 - Pros of Trad Pub
32:55 - Why I'm Going Trad Pub
There are a LOT of links below, but I hope you can find something helpful!
--- Self-Published Author YouTube Channels
The Courtney Project - https://www.youtube.com/c/TheCourtneyProject
Heart Breathings - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCasYwEzMc7tjKuAS-vtDYPw
Author Sarah Sutton - https://www.youtube.com/c/AuthorSarahSutton
Abbie Emmons - https://www.youtube.com/c/AbbieEmmons
--- Traditionally-Published Author YouTube Channels
Alexa Donne - https://www.youtube.com/c/AlexaDonne
Brandon Sanderson - https://www.youtube.com/c/BrandSanderson
Stephen Aryan - https://www.youtube.com/c/StephenAryan44
Lindsay Puckett - https://www.youtube.com/c/LindsayPuckett
Liselle Sambury - https://www.youtube.com/c/LiselleSambury
Michelle Schusterman - https://www.youtube.com/c/MichelleSchustermanAuthor
--- Self and trad pub articles and videos:
Royalty Rate - https://publishdrive.com/what-is-the-typical-royalty-rate-for-an-author.html
Stephen Aryan and Michelle Schusterman - Traditional Publishing Livestream with Michelle Schusterman
Alexa Donne - The Pros & Cons of Traditional Publishing
Alexa Donne - Money Mindsets in Indie vs. Trad Publishing
Stephen Aryan - Getting Your Book Published Overseas:
Stephen Aryan and Caelan Peters - The Pros and Cons of Self Publishing and Traditional Publishing
Michelle Schusterman - Let's talk about traditional publishing vs self publishing
Brandon Sanderson - Brandon Sanderson Lecture 10: Mechanics of Self Publishing Online (6/8)
Brandon Sanderson - Lecture #12: Publishing Part One — Brandon Sanderson on Writing Science Fiction and Fantasy
Liselle Sambury - Playlist on Publishing: experiences from a traditional published author
Lindsay Puckett - HOW I GOT MY BOOK DEAL
Heart Breathings - How I Sold Over Half A Million Books Self-Publishing
Author Sarah Sutton - WHY I'M SELF-PUBLISHING MY SECOND BOOK | Self-Publishing my YA Fake Relationship OUT OF MY LEAGUE!
Abbie Emmons - WHY I CHOSE INDIE PUBLISHING (it's not for the $$$)
--- Articles on Publishing Income:
------ LINKS ------
Website: https://www.madelinejameswrites.com/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/author_mjames/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/author_mjames