I've been selling sports cards on eBay, BuySportsCard.com, COMC and even a little bit of Facebook Marketplace. In this video, I am going to share why I am moving most of my sports card inventory to COMC exclusively. Enjoy!
Check out my Medium sports card publication here: https://www.medium.com/sports-cards-once-again
Sign-up for a Medium account to read unlimited and/or write articles: https://medium.com/@eyeofjavad/membership
Find me on Instagram @sportscardsoa
Email me at eyeofjavad@gmail.com
Sign-up for Card Hedge: https://www.cardhedger.com/?via=scoa
Get $10 FREE from Loupe: https://loupe.cards/javad
Check out my COMC store at https://www.comc.com/Users/Javad