I won't work on this yacht without a signed document from both of our lawyers. The owner wants us to work on his boat and put in a used part. Problem is that part is slightly bent and that means that it's going to put wear on the freshly rebuilt engines. I don't want to do that job because there is too much liability on us "fixing" it.
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Will Fix That Videos:
The TRUTH about old broken yachts
After sitting for years will it start?
They LOST $1,000,000 on this brand new boat
$1,300,000 Million Luxury Catamaran ... TOTAL LOSS?
We Had to do This Terrible Boat Job
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So thru the years many of our clients have asked us how we "manage the chaos" of Our Boat Repair Businesses! Our videos are made up of projects we are currently work on! You may also see food and drinks sprinkled in since we LOVE to eat! 😁
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