Be Your Own Hero:Discover Your Inner Superhero Archetype to Ignite Your Radical Confidence Revolution:
Are you FINALLY ready to get to the bottom of why seemingly interested men will actually pull away and frikin’ ghost you? And understand why the guy being mean actually makes YOU try even harder to make the relationship happen?!
Then this episode of Women of Impact is for you, homie!
Today we are hearing from world-renowned relationship coach and best-selling author Stephan Speaks, who is back with his honest and transparent insights into dating & relationships, and today he’s sharing what women like you NEED to hear if you actually want to find your Mr. Right and have a happy, successful relationship.
In this episode, we get into the nitty gritty of:
How to work through mutual standards in your relationship
What core component all marriages need to happily last
How to quickly weed out the men that just want to “have fun”
Why YOU must completely HEAL from past traumas
How to AVOID dating, and even marrying, the wrong guy
Why it’s SOOO frikin’ important to ask the deep questions in your relationships
Why you need to face the truth and seek to understand your partner
How accepting yourself leads to better & more fulfilling romantic relationships
No matter your relationship status - single, dating, married, or “it’s complicated” - Stephan’s wisdom will help you see things from another perspective, speak your truth, and have a better, more loving relationship.
Chapter Markers:
👻 [00:00] What to Do When He Ghosts You
👩❤️👨 [09:32] When You’re Clear About Your Interests
❌ [21:56] Should He STAY an Ex?
❤️🩹 [33:37] Live in Fear or Live in Faith
✋ [47:15] Stop Going with the Flow & Go Deeper
👰♀️ [01:04:39] What a Marriage Needs to Survive
⏰ [01:23:03] What You’re OK with Now vs the Long-Term
🔥 [1:40:54] Bonus Episode: Dinah Jane
****Bonus Episode: Become a Woman that Everyone Respects with Dinah Jane****
Keep watching for a BONUS conversation with the amazing Dinah Jane sharing how she transformed her identity crisis into power and self-acceptance and how you can prioritize self-love and create the life you want and deserve, too.
“It goes back to shifting the mindset to remember those who love you and of course, making sure you love yourself and not getting so caught up in those who don't.“
“The more you are standing in your truth as a woman about what you desire and what you want, again, it doesn't guarantee it scares away every man who's not serious, but it's going to weed them out a lot easier than holding back."
“Give each other grace to learn and adjust as new, different scenarios and details arise."
“There are some men who don't want to open up because they have their own issues they need to resolve, which, if that's the case, he's not ready for a real relationship."
“Once you are healed, you see everything so much clearer…It is possible to truly, fully heal. What I have seen is that once we resolve those deeper traumas, especially those childhood traumas, once we face them, resolve them, and we heal. From that, nothing hurts us the same.”
“When you are willing to be fully open and vulnerable to love, you've healed. Because a lot of people, they want love, but they don't want to be fully vulnerable to it. They want to put a piece of their heart. They don't want to put their whole heart on the table.”
“Be clear, because if he's not serious about marrying you, you need to find out. We can't be afraid to face whatever the truth is, even if it's an unwanted truth.”
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