25 years ago Ocarina of Time was heralded as the greatest game of all time. But how does it hold up today? And will my nostalgic bias get in the way? Yeah probs but who cares lol (laugh out loud) Enjoy!
00:00 - Introduction
4:02 - Gameplay (and the third axis)
11:55 - Dungeons
40:52 - Story and World
1:04:24 - The Finale
1:13:55 - I Love This Game
1:14:55 - The Music
1:24:19 - I Love This Game (fr this time)
1:29:15 - Conclusion
Studio and Microphone provided by REKT Gaming Network: https://twitter.com/REKTgn
Outro Music by TeaGryff - https://twitter.com/TeaGryff
Footage Borrowed from World of Longplays and Longplay Archive
The Samples Used in The Legend of Zelda - gilamasan:
The Zelda 64 Beta Recreation is Here! | Ocarina of Time - Space World '97 Beta Experience -Hard4Games:
Music Covers Used:
Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess - Shop theme with Ocarina of Time instruments - Zelda Soundfont Enjoyer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HBYRRtRKqT8
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess - Faron Woods (Ocarina of Time Soundfont) - Nyxael:
The Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess Sacred Grove (OoT soundfont) - James J:
Twilight Princess - Boss Defeated Theme (1 Hour Version) - monkeyslave:
Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker: Beedle's shop - Ocarina of Time soundfont - UberManthehutt: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mTSn5fAC0zM
Wind Waker Ganondorf Battle Theme but with OOT Soundfonts - FlyiNgRhinOMAn: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z_IlL6wxtr0
Termina Bay - Ocarina of Time Soundfont - Stubz1989
Boss Battle 3 (Koloktos/Moldarach) from Skyward Sword - Ocarina of Time version (for Randomizer) - Flerger Bergitydersh: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wuKTvEP0Md0
The New Zelda Forest Temple Music - Matt MVS
Song Of Storms Dubstep Remix - DjEphixa: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yp3UeCguVVI
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