Hey, guys, it’s Quinn’s Ideas here and it’s time for another quick discussion video on the Dune Saga. *****SPOILERs Video is for deep desert dwellers ONLY! I realize that I say a bunch on this channel that Paul Atreides is not the hero of the Dune saga. I've given specific reasons why I believe this is the case throughout several of my videos but I've never done a dedicated video addressing It. And since I often see questions and contentions regarding this idea I thought I would respond and elaborate here. At this point, after rereading the saga many times now I am pretty convinced that this is the way that Frank Herbert intended the character to be viewed within the context of the whole series. As always if you're interested in learning more about the Dune series please subscribe, and definitely check out the Dune playlist on the front of this channel!
To start off we have to look at what Frank Herbert had to say about his own series. To quote Herbert "I wrote the dune saga because I had this idea that charismatic leaders ought to come with the warning label 'may be dangerous to your health.'" Herbert is definitely referring to his character Paul Atreides. In the book, Dune Paul is able to become the leader of the Fremen. And unseat the emperor of the Known Universe. Upon first look, Dune appears to follow the classic Hero’s Journey Archetype but by examining the book further and by diving into the further books in the series the truth becomes clearer. In the subtext of Dune, hidden beneath the main plot involving the reascension of house Atreides is something far darker than people who are casually aware of Dune may not realize. To understand this we must first take a look at the way in which Paul is able to rise amongst the Fremen and eventually become their Messiah.
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Hyperion Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLRXGGVBzHLUfgKLf-CBr5VCC2xM0qX8Xh
Dune Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLRXGGVBzHLUdsgN_vFaZmfjc6bXxPqajV
Foundation Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLRXGGVBzHLUeQMsBkZJ72aIIG8nR-No6J
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