Its not as famous as the AK-47 but the AK-74 changed Russia's tactics and have a profound impact on firearms. When Russian soldiers stormed Crimea in 2014 everyone in the media said they were carrying AK47s which I’m sure probably triggered a lot of you out there because those were actually the much underappreciated AK74! Way to go media get it together out there. But make no mistake the rifle definitely continued the mythic-like status and tradition of its predecessor.
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Video Editing by: Andrew Tucker
Written by: Chris Cappy & Elliot Hearn
Email [email protected] for inquires.
In this video I want to examine what made the AK74 rifle so unique, whether or not it was a successful military firearm solution for the Russian Army and we’ll try to answer whether its performance in battle over the past few decades was a go or no go. Hopefully, even if you’re familiar with the rifle you’ll learn something new here! If you like getting your defense information from a washed up former average infantryman, fire an Ak74 round at the like and subscribe button.
Since its creation in 1974 the Russian military has manufactured an outstanding 5 million AK74. Yes, its safe to say they love this weapon system. It was actually mandatory in the 1980s for young Russian in school to know how to fieldstrip and assemble one of these within a standard amount of time.