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Why the Argument from Design Is So Powerful, but Also Very Flawed!

Mindshift 20,018 7 months ago
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Consider Supporting MindShift - Today's episode is a look at the Teleological Argument, which asserts that the complexity and supposed purposeful design observed in the universe and living organisms imply the existence of an intelligent designer, often identified as God. @hubermanlab is pretty fair here and makes no specific god claim, but does provide the groundwork for diving into the issue. I show where I agree and disagree and give many examples on both sides. Sub! → Turn on notifications for 3 new videos every week! Connect! → Email - [email protected] Give! → Patreon - Share → Show A Friend - My Playlists → 📚Recommended Reading For Recent Deconverts (affiliate links): A sincere thank you to this video's supporters: *Iconoclast Tier* Boris Selioutsky GVI Precision Body & Paint, Inc Jacob Boyd Joe Evilsizor Kitboga Martin itachi sasuke haraldsen oliver_sch Perry Craig Harrison Rokkit Serjun Shawn Skaggs *Humanist Hero Tier* Imposter_Possum James Geider Jarrod Nichols Kristi Goff *Atheist Advocate Tier* Caleb Taratuta Jeff Watkins Jeffrey Bell Karen Paul Henry Sparky Todd J. *Secular Scholar Tier* AJ Austin Gardner Azho64 belinda kepner Ben Peterson Boris Selioutsky Bright Argyle Charlotte Wayne Christopher J Knight Cynthia Moore D. Cox Dakota Beeson Deepest Hell Des Hannah Jason Martin Maggie Mark Bodzislaw Matthew Norquist Melissa Little Michael Martin Ray Calabro Richard Eyman, III Steve Boyer Todd Hill Trader J Rae *Freethinker Tier* Abigail Arthur Prindle Ashley Shivers B R BeccaYoley Blake Brenda “Beegee” Rechenberg Charles Payet Christopher Finnegan Dana Kendall Darque Syde of D'Lyte Productions David T Debbie Andrews Douglas Nichols ElGuapo Erika Fredrik Sanfridsson Gordon Heinrichs Gregory Smith Helen Carter Ian Hershberger Jacki Berggren Jacquie4678 James Musson Jenniewb jennifer leibig John Gilchrist John Rexrode Jonathan Sebastian Journey Julie Kami Rose Mark Bodzislaw Mark Childers Matthew Pulcini Michael Beverly Newtwen Penelope Phil Mauriala Rick Landsman Sally Dunn Scott Graham Scottt Skylavich The Merlin Thomas Elliott Vince Wearloga YAttwood *Skeptic Tier* A B Adam Cameron Alais Joie Andi Reynolds Angelo Gordon Anna K April Wilson Austin Shaw BC Brandon Eloy Brandon Michaels Breann Clark Brian Knox BYS Carah Monroe Carm San Carole Parks Chrissy France Christian Christine Riutzel Critical Explorer Dan sprankle Dangerman-1973 Daniel LeBoeuf Darlene Esteban Dave David Deboy David Legare David Melton David Modica David Neale David Newcomer Deb Stone Donald Shellman-Kuhns Doug From Brazil Drew Elijah Jeffery Explodington Fuad Harahap Gallipoli Gary George Jr GingerBeard Grant Urben Ian Kirkpatrick Jackson Stacy James Rivard JARED BOYD Jason Rollins JCT Jed Wentz Jeff Watkins Jeg 803 Jeremy Keane Jeremy Shepherd Joel John M Jon U Jonathan Cox Joseph Collins Jukkari Just Me Kailys Kassia Katherine Rabia LadyVirgilia Larry Ferrar ledhed68 LeoG Lisa Lori Wieser Louise Lynn Kaiser Maka Kiapolo Marilynn Petit Mark Rothenbuhler Matthew Baird Matthew Mack Melissa Ritchie melodywithawhy Michele Mike Alverson Nate Dogg 1999 nicholas deamons Nick Blank Noa Resare nyobie OminousCalm Pablo Paul G Pippin Lowe R Roberts Ravyn Ray Richard Wigton Robert C. roland joseph watts Ron Hott Ron Mortenson Ryan Phipps sco SCOTT KERNS scvanderhorst Șerban Marcu Sheila J Shmeels Simon Koster StarryNight Stephanie Campbell Steve Williams Sue Susan Susanna Billingham Terri Johnston Terry Menta TG Yeo Thaddeus Reid Tim Morrow Tina PVhouse Tony Maitland Valerie Bagwell Wade William Totherow *Rationalist Tier* ********************************************************************** Other Resources For You: - Freedom From Religion Org - - Recovering From Religion - - Dare To Doubt - - Reddit - - Secular Student Alliance - -The Humanist Society - Chapters: 0:00 Intro 0:28 Andrew Huberman Clip 1:21 Initial Response 2:36 My Awe 6:48 "But Scientist Believe" 8:24 Stop Special Pleading! 11:39 When The Other Shoe Drops 16:48 Consistency 19:02 Final Thoughts 19:38 Patron Thanks #atheist #mindshift #atheism #exchristian #teleogicalargument #arguemntfromdesign #argumentfromcomplexity #andrewhubermangod
