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Why the Obsession with Nightwing's Butt?

NWing Comics 7,495 2 months ago
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Discussion of the Hyper-Sexualization of Nightwing and the new DC digital only comic Nothing Butt Nightwing. Might be a bit controversial, but I hate this! #nightwing #dccomics #hyper-sexualization #nothingbuttnightwing 0:01 - Intro. Not sure where it started, but an obsession with his butt developed. Supposedly has the best butt in the DCU. 0:44 - Nightwing is an amazing character. Hate that he’s being hyper-sexualized when there are so many other things to focus on. 1:53 - Always been handsome in continuity and a great guy. Had several woman who are obsessed with him. Really ramped up in the last ten or so years especially in the Grayson series. 2:53 - Knows he’s handsome but doesn’t have an ego about it. Nightwing is not a player nor a womanizer. Can come off as cocky and showing off but not vain especially about his looks. 3:31 - Variants covers that hyper-sexualize him are the worst. 4:20 - Nothing Butt Nightwing. Sparked this whole video. Thankfully, not cannon. Cringy and vomit inducing. Who is this even for? Who’s the target audience? 7:15 - Out of character. Going undercover as a model to investigates crime only to get the villain go. Oracle breaks up with him claiming he has no life outside Nightwing. 13:14 - Portrays him like Batman. But he’s not obsessive like Batman. He craves a normal life. Nightwing also kinda comes off as self-absorbed here. 15:22 - Oracle should be more understanding. She knows Nightwing and can help him especially if she loves him. 18:13 - Assaulted. Breaking down the two times this has happened. First in The New Titans and then Nightwing 93. 23:28 - Outro. Probably won’t read. Promise more videos than just Nightwing are coming soon!
