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Have big training goals and don't know the next move? Reach out to me for a consultation!
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⭐Full Workouts Uploaded DAILY on Patreon⭐
0:00 Intro
1:40 Why I'm Talking About This More
2:40 Alan's New Reason for Not Using
3:27 Reaction - Competitive Priority
4:33 Role Models for Recreational Lifters
5:20 "Why Use Them?"
6:15 Reaction - "Doesn't Make My Life Better"
16:44 Gear for Local Meets
19:18 Phony to Use and Make Content?
20:30 Doesn't Need Clout.... But What If He Did?
23:20 Are Steroids Hard Drugs??
25:11 Use Different Than Abuse
30:50 "You Ain't Shit w/out Me!!"