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https://pay.editoracaravelas.com/campaign/historia-iberica Why was Portugal never annexed by Spain? The history of Portugal and Spain is marked by conflicts, alliances and a strong national identity. Despite the Iberian Union under Philip II, Portugal managed to regain its independence in the Restoration of 1640, consolidating its borders and strengthening its sovereignty.
In this video, we explore the historical, political and strategic reasons that prevented the definitive annexation, from the Battle of Aljubarrota and the resistance of the Avis dynasty, to the role of the Braganza dynasty and the support of allies such as England in the Treaty of Windsor.
Understand Iberian geopolitics, the relations between the two countries and how Portugal has maintained its identity over the centuries!
Thanks to our members who made this video possible: 👑Andres M.E. / Vittorio Solomon ⚔️Vinicius Menetti ⚔️Isidorio Rocha ⚔️Maria Sylvia Nogueira ⚔️Vinicius Almeida ⚔️Daxiomar Dill ⚔️Diogo Rodrigues Pagaimo ⚔️Ruan dos Santos ⚔️Leonardo Batista ⚔️Alexandre Nicolai Pigozzi ⚔️Nina Pinto