An exploration of why we have had to install a deer fence at Rewilding Lettoch. Whilst deer numbers are too high right across Scotland (NatureScot) we have to state that this film in no way wants us to demonise the deer. It's not their fault. If we are to meet our climate change and biodiversity targets then we must grasp the deer problem humanely but effectively. With thanks to Ron Greer (Conservationist), Julia Duncan (Rewilding Consultant), Miles Goodman (Wester Tullochcurran), Geoff Mosely (Research), Gregor Thexton (Your Forst - Deer Fence Installation). Acknowledging the use of Channel 4 News YouTube footage of grouse moor burning, and Animal Aid YouTube footage of grouse shooting. And the Dead Wolf image from Wikicommons. And with thanks to NatureScot and the Nature restoration Fund for funding Rewilding Lettoch. #naturescot #naturerestorationfund #rewilding #rewildingbritain #rongreer #rewildinglettoch #lettochfilms