This felt a little bit like a fluke since my best round before this was -22.
What is Expert Mode?
Expert Mode, also known as Blind Mode, is enabled by holding the ‘2’ button on the remote during course selection. It disables the HUD, including Wind information, distance, minimap, power bar and club choice.
WSR Lowscore Leaderboards:
Some thoughts on this run:
I have marked the middle of my screen (yarn strat) to help me aiming on expert mode.
On hole 1 I was restarting for 0 wind or south winds to get the eagle. I restarted if I missed it.
This was only the second time I got both of the first two holes perfect on this mode.
On hole 5 I would have tried a flag chip, if I had not already aced hole 2.
On hole 8 I misjudged the wind and my power, which happens quite often on expert mode. On the wedge shot I compensated for the rough squirt but I was still very lucky to somehow chip in, one of my luckiest shots of all time.
On hole 9 I was not very lucky with the wind. I just hoped it is very weak and my first shot confirmed it. I decided to go for the long drive on the second shot and barely made it. I risked the flag chip since a -13 Resort is what I was aiming for.
On hole 16 I think I missed full power, maybe I could have reached the green. I still could have gone for a flag chip, but I was not feeling to provoke my luck further.
0:00 Hole 1
0:50 Hole 2
1:46 Hole 3
3:06 Hole 4
4:05 Hole 5
5:32 Hole 6
7:00 Hole 7
8:32 Hole 8
9:45 Hole 9
11:14 Hole 10
12:25 Hole 11
13:31 Hole 12
14:46 Hole 13
15:37 Hole 14
17:15 Hole 15
18:24 Hole 16
20:08 Hole 17
21:15 Hole 18
22:49 Scorecard
#WiiSports #WiiSportsResort #Golf #WorldRecord #HoleinOne #Blind #Expert
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
German Nintendo Golf Lowscorer. World record holder in WSR and NSS 18 Holes.
I will upload my world records, highlights and good runs on this channel.
You can find me on Discord: alnik001#3464
Mail: [email protected]