This segment will demonstrate the successful methods, strategies and technologies used to remove 40 of 40 feral hogs from a single location over three months. Visit today to learn more about how to get rid of wild hogs. We will discuss each step in detail to reinforce the ability to perform 100 percent capture results in less than perfect conditions. This was one of our most difficult and frustrating hog removal projects to date as the sounders had been previously educated by three different sources; dog hunters, gun hunters and 5x10 portable hog traps. This is a prime example of using an Integrated Wild Pig Control™ model when traditional hunting and trapping pressures from surrounding locations produce erratic movement patterns and trap avoidance. High-volume feral hog control is more art than science. Follow our feral hog control methods and equipment via our monthly video newsletter at JAGER PRO™ Hog Control Systems