It's not quite like the movie Poltergeist, but it's close. Especially the screaming drug zombie invasion towards the end. But all in all; everything is sunny & calm & dirty in this suburban neighborhood that sits atop a massive trash dump from the Old West. This is the second installment of this dumpy series. And third. And fourth. Because you know that as long as the botts are a' birthin', BottleNed & The Funny Bunny will always come back for more. And this time, they're joined by a few more dirt-lovin' varmints; for better....or for worse !
IS IT 1877 OR 78? According to an article in The Union: "In 1878, the “first long distance telephone line in the world” was completed at French Corral...It took six months for the crew from the California Electrical Works in San Francisco to string telephone lines from tree to tree, pole to pole over mountains and across ravines and canyons. Those telephone lines stretched 60 miles from French Corral to Milton reservoir in Sierra County."
Per the Nevada County Historical Landmarks Commission: "The first long distance telephone in the world. Built in 1877 by the Ridge Telephone Co., it connected French Corral with French Lake 58 miles away..."
BUT it's generally regarded that the official first long distance telephone call was made by Alexander Graham Bell from Salem to Boston, MA on Feb. 12th 1877, BUT this was only a 15 mile call, as opposed to the nearly 60 mile call made from Nevada County, CA a year (or two) later.
• Song: Extreme Energy (Music Today 80)
• Composed & Produced by : Anwar Amr
• Video Link:
#oldwestern #bottledigging